Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Blog Format...For Now

I've grown to appreciate blogs that carry one or two themes throughout their content. It seems to offer continuity and movement. My blog has had anything but continuity since its conception a couple years ago. The topics/ideas have been more like paint that hits the wall after swinging the brush in a circle. Not a bad way to go I suppose, but FOR NOW I am going to focus on three themes:

1. Book Reviews and Class Reflections (on my Grad School topics of Theology & Ethics)

2. Kingdom Stories: Processing of stories that in some way illumine the Kingdom of God

3. Family Updates: With both Janny and I working in the public school, considering a move out the area for school and/or non-profit employment, our upcoming summer studying in Israel, my book being released in July and the status of our disabled little dog Harry, we have plenty to share.

Upcoming: Book reviews on The Politics of Jesus by John Yoder and The Forgotten Ways by Alan Hirsch

1 comment:

Sean said...

I'm ready to read...