Monday, March 22, 2010

Family Update: From the Beach to the Redwoods

Well, well, well...Landing back in the U.S. last night from a trip up to Vancouver symbolized the temporary landing of Janny and I in a few ways. Here is a bullet point version of the past month or so:
- Still working through the miscarriage of our first child (named Haven) and trying to muster up the courage, amid lots of fear and anxiety, to start again.
- Decided to study in Israel this summer @ Jerusalem University College! Fits perfectly into my Master's program @ Fuller and Janny will audit the class right along side. We are in the application/detail portion of the process, but things look good.
- In an effort to live more simply and free ourselves up to study in Israel and possibly go on board with a non-profit, we have moved from our little cottage by the beach in Santa Cruz, up to a little studio in the redwoods of Mt. Hermon.
- I continue to teach Adult Education @ North County H.S. and am coaching the H.S. golf team. I will be speaking at Harbor Chapel(our former church community) in May, Mount Hermon this summer and at the National Youth Workers Convention this fall. My book is taking form (art,editing,proofreading, etc...) and is projected to be released on July 16th. Also, I finished another quarter of studies @ Fuller this past Friday. Officially completed my Hebrew language requirements! Shalom.
- Between two spa's, lots of subbing and our recent move, Janny has been working her little tail off. She subbed for a 4th grade class a couple weeks ago and the school fell in love with her. They offered her a full time position (at least through the end of this school year) teaching 4th grade. She has a love/wanna pull out her hair kind-of relationship with the kids as they have enough energy to fuel a large city. No clue how she does it, but she is super motivated and cares for them alot.
- We have continued to be in dialog with a non-profit called Nieucommunities about the possibility of partnering with them. Janny and I got to spend this past weekend with the community at their site in Vancouver, Canada. Great people, with a hopeful vision for mission, church and mentorship in the way of Jesus.


Sean said...

You guys are a total inspiration to us. I'm blessed to see what is happening in your lives & can't wait to see what happens next. Follow Jesus; He's crazy cool fun...scary...contentment...

Unknown said...

Sean...agree to agree my friend

and as I have said numerous times, Janny and I feel the same away about your sweet fam. thanks for being awesome