Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Papers, Books and Companions

A deep sigh of relief and accomplishment has taken me over after finishing my first semester of graduate school. Although overshadowed by the pain of losing our first child, it was an incredible time of learning, conversation and growth. It is a ton of work, but I love it. In fact, I have just decided to change my emphasis to Christian Ethics. Still a Master of Arts in Theology, but the ethics emphasis will focus on justice, poverty, creation care and peacemaking. It is an incredible feeling to study and participate in the issues I am most passionate.

Now that my last paper has been submitted until classes start up again in January, I will have time to put into re-reading/editing my manuscript of a book I have been working on for the past couple of years. Yes, I have FINALLY signed the contract and through Youth Specialties, Zondervan will be publish my book! It will actually come out (at least initially) as an ebook, which has all the same elements of a hard copy book(including a cover, art, etc...) but is 100% digital. Should be interesting to see how it all works out, but for now I have a 176 page manuscript to submit by Jan. 1. There goes any holiday downtime:)

Thanks again for all the love and support offered to Janny and I through this whole mess the past couple of months. We would love to forget the pain/grief, but know that it will be part of us forever. Although we still have bad days/hours, we often experience hope and peace.

Shalom Haverim(companions)

1 comment:

NickW said...

Outstanding! I'm so glad your book is moving along! Got a brilliant title yet :)