Tuesday, December 23, 2008

My Old Roomy

My old roomy and one of my best buddies, Ryan Mcrae, just left tonight after hanging out with us this weekend. It was a GREAT time. I didn't think anyone could love our little, cripple dog Harry more than Jan and I...I may have been wrong. Our couch held two males this weekend. Ryan and....Harry. Inseparable.

Jan and I are at a crazy spot in our lives right now. Weird, exciting, scary and hopeful all at the same time. The things we have spent 90% of our time being part of are all now ending: My work at Harbor Chapel in one week, Jan's work at Bernardus Lodge in one week, and we both FINALLY got our Bachelor's degree's finished in the past month. Now we contemplate Master's, credentials, neither or both. For now, we just look forward to getting our barrings and soaking in/learning our new community here in Santa Cruz. We are excited to experiment in new ways of living out community, church, service, work and lots of fun! Of course, it seems they are all connected anyway.

With most of our responsibilities wrapping up in the next week and no commitments until my next speaking engagement in the end of January, we are going to do some more traveling! We have found that traveling is something we greatly value for a variety of reasons. Especially since we are still holding out on kids! We will keep you all filled in on what we end up doing.

1 comment:

Chip Johnson said...

Some people who like to travel go to this cute little town in Southwestern Colorado.